2023-01-03: Conservative has no meaning Semafor said today that “a critical mass of conservatives do not trust McCarthy to lead …

2022-12-16: My umbrellas all connived to end up in the front seat of my car this morning. Umbrella Fest was …

2022-12-02: Bait Bag is a phenomenal band name. And this is a great cover. Deceptacon cover

2022-11-19: Tumblr is trolling the hell out of Twitter right now, and I am here for it.

2022-11-16: My office view is nice.

2022-11-15: Wait. The Fediverse is a network of BBS’s. sound of a 300 baud modem

2022-11-14: Continuing to gather my birbsite flock.

2022-11-12: Hi. I’ll just be over here posting quotes from what I’m reading, and pictures of cities …